Love, it is not the will of God, in reality it's a punishment for life time. In love, one heart win's while the others loses everything, because every heart may be a chess piece in love. Love, it's daylight for one moment or it is a bright morning for some but then there's always long time darkness. Love, It is encouragement, happiness and world for one but others are helpless, sad and hurt in love. Love, it just give regret to all, always. Love, it's just another name of pain.
Love is just journey of few steps, but those who are in love always stay in a journey and remain in a silence. The journey of love does not end in whole life, even it is almost impossible to know the distance of that journey of love. Love, it breaks all the dreams in a moment, and everything gets destroyed. Some people get the wounds by pain and hurt while others face the death in love. In love, tears will never stop from your eyes.
Love, The branches of flowers are decorated with thorns. In love, helplessness, loneliness and uneasiness are forever there, and will not go away by trying. In love, the world of your heart will suffer and it will wrapped in flames. In love, you will not ever think that you will have to live like this. Your dreams, once broken in love can not be mend. The dark shadows of memories in love will bite you always. And remember that there is no destination of broken heart.
Read More : Love You
Love is just journey of few steps, but those who are in love always stay in a journey and remain in a silence. The journey of love does not end in whole life, even it is almost impossible to know the distance of that journey of love. Love, it breaks all the dreams in a moment, and everything gets destroyed. Some people get the wounds by pain and hurt while others face the death in love. In love, tears will never stop from your eyes.
Love, The branches of flowers are decorated with thorns. In love, helplessness, loneliness and uneasiness are forever there, and will not go away by trying. In love, the world of your heart will suffer and it will wrapped in flames. In love, you will not ever think that you will have to live like this. Your dreams, once broken in love can not be mend. The dark shadows of memories in love will bite you always. And remember that there is no destination of broken heart.
Read More : Love You